We Developed Smartphone App For Your Students On School Curriculum Books.

Smart Books deliver an augmented reality ‘smart book’ concept, where the reader chooses the path through the paper book’s narrative, interacting with both a book and digital content on a smartphone or tablet, and in this way gains an interactive reading experience. Augmented reality apps for educational purposes are designed to enhance learning by making it interactive and promoting higher engagement. AR apps open up a new world of learning opportunities to children that go beyond traditional lessons. It makes learning fun and immersive, just like being in a video game. Kids have a very short attention span, and one of the greatest challenges for educators is to hold a child’s attention long enough to facilitate the learning process. The use of AR apps can help overcome this problem. Using interactive approaches will engage the child more with what they are being taught. It feels like playing to them, but they are learning in the process. Making education entertaining is an excellent way to encourage kids to participate in the activity, resulting in them absorbing even more knowledge.


    • Develop Applications according to your school-provided specific book.
    • The application will be School Based with an individual user license. Each time the application loading time school logo will appear on the Smartphone screen.
    • Only first-time user needs to register with a license key and download files online. After that use the app offline.

We develop content for any books according to the education institute’s demand. The books can be on Math, English, Arabic, German, Bangla, or any Language or any Grade. We develop Augmented Reality content for any type of book and subject matter. We do not have any specific books. According to your demand, we will create Applications and Content.

  • Application Platform:
    • iOS
    • Android
  • Content Types:
    • 3D Animated Object
    • Video Object
    • Text Subtitle
    • Multi-language Support

How the Application Works:
Application content is for the specific book. The user needs a Smartphone. Install the Application and open the application. The application will Scan the book pages automatically in a millisecond. The users have to hold the phone camera in front of the page, like an image or chart, or paragraph. The 3D object will appear on the Smartphone Screen like this 3D animated Cat.

3D Object:
The scanner will automatically scan the book page and load the 3D objects by default with audio-enabled context. More than one 3D object will appear on the screen. Here ‘C’ and ‘Cat’ both are 3D objects. These can be zoomed in and out and rotated 180° angle on the screen.

Video Object:
After loading the objects, the user clicks on the Video Button the video object will appear on the screen. It will play video objects on the screen and if the user wants to view the 3D objects, then needs to click on the Animation Button. The video Objects are by default with audio context. The video will end after playing it once.

Subtitle Object:
After loading the 3D objects, the user clicks on the Subtitle Button, and the subtitle objects will appear on the screen. The subtitle context will appear according to the audio information.

The application will run offline. Does not require the Internet. Only required 140Mb empty storage in the Smartphone for installation. This application can be found on Download as a demo application. This application is developed by us and no third party is involved to develop this application.

After installation hold the Smartphone in front of the Image below. On the Smartphone, the 3D objects with other options will appear.
