ANAM is a Family

Anam Family started the Business in 1700AD. We were in the Food business at 1700AD. Our Baked Biscuits are exported to Myanmar and Thailand by big boats. The Bakery business was very famous at that time in Dhaka because the best butter and cream were collected on this land. The Nawabpur and Laalbag was the main business place from the very beginning because of the Buriganga River.

The Family Root. We do not know the names before the root (ancestor). Ancestors came from Sudan in 1500AD to this land for Business and migrated to this Land. This land is called the Bengal Sultanate. At that time Present Dhaka was ruled by Muslim Sultans. Our Ancestors started exporting products from Dhaka to Europe and Middle Eastern countries.

Kanu Bepari and Mohammad Afsar Uddina were active fighters against West Pakistan and Present Bangladesh Awami League members. They helped the freedom fighters and gave them hidden shelter 1971 war against Pakistan.

At present, the Anam family does Truck Bus Engine and spare Parts Business, Residential Hotel Business, Electronic Parts Import Business, and Information Technology Enabled Business.

    Head Office

    IFIC Bank Building, 1st Floor, 2 No. Nawabpur Road, Dhaka # 1100, Bangladesh.
    Phone: +8801727615654

    Development Office

    Flat # C2, House # 40, Road # 25, Gulshan # 1, Dhaka # 1212, Bangladesh.
    Phone: +8801727615654